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Mean Business

Average Rating4.59
(based on 439 reviews)

High quality and engaging educational resources predominantly for teachers of Business and Computing subjects. There's more on the website... www.meanbusiness.co.uk




High quality and engaging educational resources predominantly for teachers of Business and Computing subjects. There's more on the website... www.meanbusiness.co.uk
Business Ownership Puzzle, Review & Worksheet

Business Ownership Puzzle, Review & Worksheet

This resource depends on you teaching Business Ownership first (sole traders, partnerships and companies). Students should be given a printed version of the puzzle (the one with two pages). I get them to work in pairs as they can both be cutting at the same time to reduce ‘cutting time’. They both cut out one of the pages then get to work creating a triangle solution by connecting matching statements. There is only ONE way the puzzle will become a triangle correctly, so it’s trial and error but a GREAT task to consolidate learning of Business Ownership topic. I then get learners to stick their puzzles down on A3 paper (two sheets, because it just sticks over one A3 page). Alternatively, you could cut the puzzle and laminate for year on year use. I’ve included the solution. To ensure ALL students can access it, I print the solution on A3 paper and stick it in the corridor. Each pair gets a few chances to go out and take a peek, if needed. Finally, I’ve included a plenary to review the tarsia puzzle and a homework true or false activity on Business Ownership, this might work well as a homework task to see what students have learnt from the puzzle. Enjoy!
OCR GCSE Business Studies Activity Booklet 5 (Finance)

OCR GCSE Business Studies Activity Booklet 5 (Finance)

This 8-page booklet is mapped against OCR GCSE Business Studies J204. This resource includes a printable PDF version AND a PowerPoint version that learners can complete and submit online, via Google Classroom etc.   Answers included in separate PDF document! Homework sheets on: The Finance Department/Function Sources of Finance Revenue and Costs Fixed and Variable Costs Break-even Point Break-even Chart Cash Flow Forecasts      If you set one page each week, that’s more than enough for a half term. The pages also act as a good discussion point for a starter in the following lesson too (win, win!).      To REDUCE MARKING - there’s the smallest space for teachers to put 4 ticks to assess each homework. Low stakes, low work-load marking!
Stakeholders, Conflict and Resolving Conflict - FULL, differentiated lesson

Stakeholders, Conflict and Resolving Conflict - FULL, differentiated lesson

This lesson includes an editable lesson plan, PowerPoint for display, group work task, extension tasks, G&T task AND lower ability task. The lesson starts by recapping or introducing stakeholder groups. Students have a challenge to name or identify as many groups as possible. Students are then introduced to conflict with a scenario of a new supermarket opening locally. They must work in groups to focus on one stakeholder group each. This is discussed as a class. Conflict is discussed then an activity concludes the lesson on resolving the potential conflicts identified. Enjoy.
French / MFL Plenary Wheel

French / MFL Plenary Wheel

NEW! See a video of this resource in action below BEFORE choosing to buy. TOP quality, fully resourced purchase. Can I first apologise if anyone is actually French and using this! I think I have expertly translated as best I can. Excusez-moi! This version of my plenary selector gets students to look back at what they have learnt in a French lesson. Slide 1 includes a spinning wheel that can be stopped to choose the plenary for the lesson. There are seven different outcomes so it could be used regularly and routinely in lessons to get students to reflect on their learning, all fully resourced where required. The PowerPoint took ages to make and code, so please don’t share too readily! You must enable macros on your computer to allow it to work, or get in touch with your IT technician! Enjoy. I own all text, even the French stuff. Images are public domain and copyright free.
End of Term / Secondary Induction FUN Lesson - Create a PowerPoint Maze Game (Scary or Nice)!

End of Term / Secondary Induction FUN Lesson - Create a PowerPoint Maze Game (Scary or Nice)!

Update: The files marked NEW! include a template for this resource which already has the hyperlinks included in PowerPoint; so if you’re tight on time, students can still make use of this resource without having to learn how to make links. Along with this are 6 challenges (differentiated) and a log for students to complete and take with them - PERFECT for Year 6 Induction in a computer room/IT/Computing lesson. As it’s the end of term, this fun activity still gets students learning about how to add hyperlinks into PowerPoint presentations. The scary maze can be changed for Santa’s maze, if you’re aiming to do something ‘Christmassy’! The activity gets students to create a version of the ‘scary maze game’ (Google it!). They find a scary image that, if their users hit the wall of their maze, will flash on the screen (after slides are linked). I don’t want students having nightmares though, so I have provided an alternative ‘nicer maze game’ too! Included is a student handout, PowerPoint to act as a short lesson guide (two versions - scary and nicer) as well as a scream sound for students to use if placed on a shared area. As always, feedback is welcome! Enjoy! *Copyright - I either own everything or it comes from an acknowledged, royalty free source!
FUN Match-Up/Translate Activity - Les Animaux (Animals/Pets) - KS2 or KS3 French MFL

FUN Match-Up/Translate Activity - Les Animaux (Animals/Pets) - KS2 or KS3 French MFL

---This resource is similar to the domino resource, so don't buy if you've already invested in that resource!--- Cut out, match up and stick down exercise OR cut out and laminate for a reusable resource. Perfect for KS2 or year 7 french, introducing names of animals/pets or for lower ability year 8 groups. Printing in colour will also help highlight the usage of le/la un/une for masculine/feminine words. Ideal starter to introduce the words, main activity to reinforce translations or plenary to review a lesson. The presentation can also be printed and laminated for display purposes. Printing on A5 could make it form part of a keyword wall or printing 4 to a page would make ideal flashcards! Enjoy. Feedback always gratefully received too.
Organisation Charts / Organisational Structure- An Introduction, getting students to draw the charts

Organisation Charts / Organisational Structure- An Introduction, getting students to draw the charts

An introduction to organisation/organization charts. This resource includes a lesson PowerPoint (full lesson), three differentiated activities with increasing difficulty and a lesson review (exit note). Teachers could either give students the sheet to draw all three charts or give students different examples to complete based on ability, which is why there are different versions. Teachers may also wish to get students to create the charts themselves OR could use the templates provided - or lower ability students could be provided with the templates. All companies are fictional, logos designed by me, Enjoy.
Averages - Working out the Median - WHOLE lesson KS2 KS3 Maths

Averages - Working out the Median - WHOLE lesson KS2 KS3 Maths

NEW! See a preview of part of this resource in the video below... This is part of a series of lessons for KS2 or KS3 maths on Averages. This lesson introduces the Median. All four averages lessons are listed separately OR as one short unit of work at a discounted price (£10), just check my other resources! The PowerPoint introduces the median then gives two teacher led activities to guide students through finding the median. After each teacher led part, the students get a chance to try themselves, where they can ask questions or even work in pairs. After discovering what the median is and having a go with help, students are given an independent task to work out the median. Some of the answers involve finding the middle value between two given numbers, so not just putting the values in order! An answer sheet is provided for the teacher too, and all answers pop up on the PowerPoint itself! The lesson is reviewed by students feeding back at the bottom of their handout. All images are either royalty free or made by myself (those coins and football shirts took some work!). Enjoy ;-)
Shape - Perimeter - KS2/KS3 Maths PowerPoint & Student Booklet (More than 1 lesson!)

Shape - Perimeter - KS2/KS3 Maths PowerPoint & Student Booklet (More than 1 lesson!)

The PowerPoint introduces perimeter to students before taking them through three sections (could be three separate lessons). - working out perimeter of squares & rectangles - working out perimeter of shapes without measurements displayed - working out perimeter of shapes with part measurements displayed I've included the student work booklet - this has also been separated into sheets if it makes it easier (not additional resources). Differentiated and fully resourced short set of lessons for KS2 Maths or lower ability KS3/recap. Answers pop up on the PowerPoint, apart from sheet 2 measurements as these depend on how you print the handout! As always, your feedback would be appreciated. Everything is owned/created by me. One or two images have come from a royalty free stock photo site, no permission is required for these to be used in my resource. Enjoy!!
GCSE Business Studies - Business Ownership - 3 FULL lessons - plans, resources and extras!

GCSE Business Studies - Business Ownership - 3 FULL lessons - plans, resources and extras!

5 Resources
Save over 25% on the three MASSIVE lessons on Business Ownership for GCSE Business Studies. Lesson 1 - Sole traders Lesson 2 - Partnerships Lesson 3 - Companies (Private and Public) ALL fully resourced ALL include a lesson plan ALL include student handouts ALL double up for revision handouts! Bargain! ALL differentiated by outcome ALL include parts to stretch high abilities If you want to see quality BEFORE you buy, look for the ownership lesson plan within my free resources. I've also added a learning puzzle (this is literally a full lesson to complete!), homework sheet and a match up task. These additional tasks are for when sole traders, partnerships and companies have been taught to really ensure students have learnt the topic or could be used to recap in a few months after teaching. Enjoy!
Malware - introduction to Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Adware & Spyware

Malware - introduction to Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Adware & Spyware

A fully resourced and differentiated lesson. Includes PowerPoint to guide you fully through the lesson - NO ADDITIONAL RESOURCES REQUIRED! Download, print and go! Suitable for teaching in or out of a computer room too. Includes; - Starter to introduce what malware is (students work this out themselves) - Research task - use the internet or the fact sheets provided (printing on A3 is best) - Malware for beginners leaflet (like malware for dummies!) template for computer or for printing included - Exam style questions to complete independently - I let my students use their leaflets, so there's some purpose to completing the task - Review from my plenary selector BUT includes template of a mobile phone - students text the teacher what they've learnt! Enjoy...
Python Programming - Lesson 3 - Strings & Integers - FULLY RESOURCED LESSON!

Python Programming - Lesson 3 - Strings & Integers - FULLY RESOURCED LESSON!

THIS RESOURCE USES PYTHON VERSION 3. There are subtle differences between version 2 and 3, I believe. It's free to download though, so maybe update your systems. This is the third lesson in a series of my new resources on Python Programming. I'm teaching this to low ability year 9, though I know my higher ability year 7 would love it and I've also seen Python used within some primaries. It's suitable for any novice programming teacher (like me!). This lesson introduces data types within Python and sees students introduced to the terms String and Integer. The lesson is fully resourced and will last at least a full hour, if not longer. If you're an absolute beginner, this is ideal. Just read it through and print before teaching - that's it! Look out for my other Python programming resources as part of this series. Enjoy.
GCSE Business Studies Homework Booklets - OCR New Specification 40 WEEKS MINIMUM!!

GCSE Business Studies Homework Booklets - OCR New Specification 40 WEEKS MINIMUM!!

6 Resources
All six of my homework booklets for GCSE Business Studies at a discounted price. Each booklet has eight homework activities that are mapped against OCR’s GCSE Business Studies new specification for first assessment in 2019 (9-1). These booklets have so much cross over that they could be used for ANY specification or even some AS level courses. Enjoy, with over 15% discount!
Mean Average WHOLE lesson! PowerPoint, Worksheet & Answer Sheet - KS2/3 Maths

Mean Average WHOLE lesson! PowerPoint, Worksheet & Answer Sheet - KS2/3 Maths

NEW! See a video preview of part of this resource below! Reading the description will help you see if this is suitable for your students' ability. I would say, however, that this resource is ideally suited to upper KS2 / lower KS3. This resource is a FULL lesson which introduces Mean Average. All four averages lessons are listed separately OR as one short unit of work at a discounted price, just check my other resources! The PowerPoint goes through what mean average is/how it's calculated. It then has two examples that can be done with your class (teacher led) - all answers are on the PowerPoint too. After each of the teacher led examples is one that students need to try themselves (these are labelled 'try it' on the PowerPoint). These are at the top of the worksheet. Students could try these, with help if needed - this could even be done is pairs. Finally, there's an independent task that has ten examples for students to calculate. These include numbers in the thousands, so differentiation by task is possible. Some answers include decimals. An answer sheet is provided for the teacher too. The lesson is reviewed by students feeding back at the bottom of their handout. All images are either royalty free or made by myself (those coins took some work!). Enjoy ;-)
Start-Up and Running Costs - GCSE Business Studies - Full lesson, lesson plan and 3 handouts!

Start-Up and Running Costs - GCSE Business Studies - Full lesson, lesson plan and 3 handouts!

This is another in my 'Let's Learn' series. The lesson gets students to think about their initial ideas before introducing start-up and running costs so progress can easily be judged. The lesson PowerPoint is equally good for revision if printed or made available electronically so it's even more of a bargain! There are two main activities (one is an exam style question assessment that can be peer marked with teacher guidance. The lesson plan is included to guide teachers through every step of the lesson. Enjoy!
KS3 Computing/ICT - Multimedia Presentations Student Booklet & Teacher Guide

KS3 Computing/ICT - Multimedia Presentations Student Booklet & Teacher Guide

An eight page student booklet and accompanying outline of six lessons of work that gets students to create a PowerPoint presentation about either the Loch Ness Monster or Big Foot to include text, links, images and sounds. This is a fun, short unit of work suitable for Key Stage 3 ICT or Computing lessons. I must stress that, unlike some of my other resources, this is not a pick up and go, fully planned unit of work. It is an engaging student booklet that is GREAT for collating evidence of student work and it is a collection of six lesson OUTLINES. Teachers will need to add to this in order to fully teach reliability and skills in producing a multimedia presentation. I'd see this as a perfect first unit for either year 7 or 8 to get them started for a year of engaging ICT or Computing lessons. Enjoy! Any feedback is, as always, greatly received.
Plenary Selector Wheel - Reduced planning

Plenary Selector Wheel - Reduced planning

NEW! See the video preview of the PowerPoint BEFORE choosing to buy. ALL resources are included and TOP quality. This is an investment and great for new teachers or those that want to increase student engagement. This is my first Plenary Wheel resource - 8 generic plenaries to end ANY lesson. If you like this, why not try the sequel with 8 additional plenary activities, so you’ll have 16 to get you through the academic year! Slide 1 includes a spinning wheel that can be stopped by clicking STOP to choose the plenary for the lesson. Includes a selection of eight plenary ideas (and supporting resources) with an engaging interface to grab students’ attention at the end of a lesson. Interactive, students LOVE shouting STOP to select the plenary activity! Suitable for all subject areas… you may never have to plan a plenary activity ever again, although don’t tell your senior leaders I said that!
Python Programming Lesson 1a (FREE!). ASCII Art / Print Command - FUN with Python Code

Python Programming Lesson 1a (FREE!). ASCII Art / Print Command - FUN with Python Code

This is a fun activity idea taken from my Python series of lessons. IT IS NOT A FULL LESSON, it's just a sample of what my paid resources look like and helps me balance my premium and free resources. My premium resources are all FULL lessons with full differentiated outcomes, student handouts and stretch activities for higher abilities. This particular activity a fun task using Python version 3 which introduces ASCII code and gets your students to create their own ASCII Art from characters using Python Print commands. It's not available in my paid resources, so if you've bought the lessons you should also download this activity! Enjoy.
Reward Coupon - Teacher IOU Template - 8 per page - Positive Behaviour

Reward Coupon - Teacher IOU Template - 8 per page - Positive Behaviour

Easy to fill in coupons to reward positive behaviour or good work. 8 per page, so they're small enough to print a shed load and have them at hand when marking or teaching. Teachers just need to fill in the 'IOU' circle with the reward being given (we use VIVOs and just fill in IOU 10 Vivos, but this could easily be house points, commendations etc.) A tangible method of rewarding your students - they do something good, they something immediately. I get students to fill their name in on the coupon and 'post' them to me so I can reward later in the day when it's more convenient! Enjoy, for free!